Attracting International Business Travelers to Your Airbnb: Tips and Strategies

Attracting International Business Travelers to Your Airbnb: Tips and Strategies

Written by on 10/21/2024

  • tips
  • airbnb
  • hosting
  • how-to
  • examples

It’s fascinating how the world of travel has evolved, especially in the realm of business. I remember my first experience hosting a business traveler; it was a whirlwind of excitement and a bit of anxiety. Would they find everything they needed? Would they feel comfortable? I quickly learned that catering to international business travelers is not just about providing a place to sleep; it’s about creating an environment that meets their unique needs.

Understanding the Business Traveler

International business travelers often have specific requirements that differ from leisure travelers. They are usually on tight schedules, need reliable internet access, and appreciate amenities that make their stay more productive. When I first started hosting, I didn’t fully grasp this. I thought a clean room and a comfy bed would suffice. But soon, I realized that providing a workspace, fast Wi-Fi, and even a coffee maker could make all the difference.

"I once had a guest who was in town for a week-long conference. They were so grateful for the little things, like a dedicated workspace and a coffee machine. It made me realize how much these small touches matter!"

Tailoring Your Space

To attract international business travelers, consider how you can tailor your space to meet their needs. Start with the basics: ensure your Wi-Fi is fast and reliable. I invested in a good router and made sure to highlight the internet speed in my listing. This small change led to an increase in bookings from business travelers who needed to stay connected.

Next, think about the layout of your space. A desk or a small table can be a game-changer. I remember one guest who had to attend virtual meetings during their stay. They appreciated having a quiet corner to set up their laptop. It’s these thoughtful touches that can turn a one-time guest into a repeat visitor.

Marketing Your Property

Once you’ve tailored your space, it’s time to market it effectively. Use your listing description to highlight the features that appeal to business travelers. Mention the high-speed internet, the workspace, and any other amenities that cater to their needs. I found that using keywords like "business-friendly" and "corporate travel" in my listing helped attract the right audience.

"When I updated my listing to emphasize business amenities, I noticed a significant uptick in inquiries from corporate guests. It was like flipping a switch!"

Building Relationships

Building relationships with your guests is crucial. Many business travelers are repeat visitors, and if they have a good experience, they’ll likely return. I always make it a point to communicate with my guests before their arrival. I send them a welcome message with details about the property and local recommendations. This personal touch goes a long way in making them feel valued.

Providing Local Insights

Another way to enhance the experience for business travelers is by providing local insights. Many of them may not be familiar with the area, so offering recommendations for nearby restaurants, coffee shops, and transportation options can be incredibly helpful. I created a small guidebook with my favorite spots, which I left on the coffee table. Guests loved it!

"One guest told me that my guidebook was a lifesaver during their stay. They found a great coffee shop nearby that became their go-to place for meetings!"

Flexibility and Understanding

Flexibility is key when dealing with business travelers. They often have unpredictable schedules, so being accommodating can set you apart from other hosts. I’ve had guests who needed to check in late or extend their stay at the last minute. Being understanding and flexible has led to positive reviews and repeat bookings.

Leveraging Technology

In today’s digital age, leveraging technology can also enhance the experience for business travelers. Consider using smart locks for easy check-in and check-out. This allows guests to arrive at their convenience without the hassle of coordinating with you. I’ve found that this feature is particularly appealing to busy professionals.

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Hi, I am Marius

I hosted many people on Airbnb and I know the struggle of creating nice welcome books. So I built a tool that saves you tons of work by transforming your existing Airbnb listing into a professional welcome book featuring all the most important sections.

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Creating a Business-Friendly Atmosphere

Creating a business-friendly atmosphere goes beyond just the physical space. It’s about fostering an environment where guests feel comfortable and productive. Consider adding thoughtful touches like extra charging stations, a selection of teas and coffees, and even a small library of business books or magazines. These little details can make a big impact on your guests’ experience.


Attracting international business travelers to your Airbnb can be a rewarding endeavor. By understanding their needs, tailoring your space, and providing exceptional service, you can create an inviting atmosphere that keeps them coming back. If you’re looking for a way to streamline the process of creating a welcome book for your guests, I highly recommend checking out It’s a fantastic resource that can help you provide all the essential information your guests need, making their stay even more enjoyable.

In the end, it’s all about creating a memorable experience. I’ve learned that when guests feel valued and catered to, they’re more likely to return and recommend your property to others. So, take the time to understand your guests, and you’ll reap the rewards in no time!

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