How to Effectively Attract Domestic Guests to Your Airbnb

Written by on 10/21/2024

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It’s fascinating how sometimes the best guests are right in your backyard. When I first started hosting, I focused primarily on international travelers, thinking they would bring the most excitement and diversity to my Airbnb. However, I soon discovered the immense potential of attracting domestic guests. Not only did they appreciate the convenience of a local stay, but they also brought a unique energy that made hosting even more enjoyable. So, how do you effectively target these local travelers? Let’s explore some strategies that worked wonders for me.

Understanding Domestic Guests

Domestic guests are often looking for a quick getaway, a change of scenery, or a chance to explore their own backyard. They might be seeking a weekend retreat or a place to stay during a local event. Understanding their motivations is crucial. For instance, I remember hosting a family from just a few towns over who wanted to escape their routine for a weekend. They were thrilled to find a cozy spot that felt like a vacation without the hassle of long-distance travel.

Highlighting Local Attractions

One of the best ways to attract domestic guests is to highlight local attractions in your listing. This could be anything from parks, museums, or popular restaurants. I made it a point to include a section in my welcome book dedicated to local hotspots. I even included personal recommendations based on my own experiences. For example, I would suggest a nearby café that serves the best breakfast burritos, which became a favorite among my guests.

"I once had a couple who booked my place just to visit a local music festival. They were so grateful for my recommendations on where to eat and what to see. It made their trip unforgettable!"

Tailoring Your Listing

When targeting domestic guests, it’s essential to tailor your listing to their needs. This means emphasizing features that appeal to local travelers. For instance, if your Airbnb is pet-friendly, make sure to highlight that. Many domestic travelers prefer to bring their furry friends along. I also included amenities like a fully equipped kitchen, which is a big plus for families or groups who want to save on dining out.

Creating a Local Experience

Another effective strategy is to create a local experience for your guests. This can be achieved by offering unique touches that showcase your area’s culture. I started providing a small welcome basket filled with local snacks and drinks. It was a hit! Guests loved trying out products they wouldn’t typically find elsewhere. This simple gesture not only made them feel welcomed but also encouraged them to explore more of what our area had to offer.

"One time, I included a local wine in the welcome basket, and the guests ended up extending their stay just to enjoy more of the local scene!"

Engaging with Your Guests

Engagement is key when it comes to attracting domestic guests. I found that communicating with potential guests before their stay made a significant difference. I would respond promptly to inquiries and offer personalized suggestions based on their interests. This not only built rapport but also made them feel valued. I remember a guest who reached out asking about family-friendly activities. I shared a list of local parks and attractions, and they ended up booking my place for a week!

Leveraging Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for attracting domestic guests. I started sharing posts about local events, attractions, and my Airbnb on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. By showcasing the beauty of my area and the unique experiences I offered, I was able to reach a broader audience. I even created a hashtag for my Airbnb, encouraging guests to share their experiences online. This not only promoted my listing but also created a sense of community among my guests.

Offering Special Deals

Consider offering special deals or discounts for local guests. This could be a percentage off for residents or a special package for weekend getaways. I ran a promotion during the off-peak season, targeting local travelers looking for a quick escape. The response was overwhelming! Many guests appreciated the opportunity to enjoy a mini-vacation without breaking the bank.

"I once offered a discount for a local festival weekend, and my bookings skyrocketed! It was a great way to fill my calendar during a slow period."

Utilizing Local Events

Keep an eye on local events and festivals, as they can be a great way to attract domestic guests. I made sure to update my listing with information about upcoming events in the area. Whether it’s a food festival, a concert, or a sporting event, guests are often looking for a place to stay nearby. I even created a section in my welcome book dedicated to local events, which guests found incredibly helpful.

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Hi, I am Marius

I hosted many people on Airbnb and I know the struggle of creating nice welcome books. So I built a tool that saves you tons of work by transforming your existing Airbnb listing into a professional welcome book featuring all the most important sections.

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Building a Community

Creating a sense of community can also help attract domestic guests. I started hosting occasional meet-and-greet events for my guests, where they could mingle and share their experiences. This not only fostered a friendly atmosphere but also encouraged guests to return in the future. I found that many domestic travelers appreciated the opportunity to connect with others and learn more about the area.


Attracting domestic guests to your Airbnb can be a rewarding experience. By understanding their needs, highlighting local attractions, and creating a welcoming environment, you can significantly boost your bookings. Remember, it’s all about making your guests feel at home and providing them with an unforgettable experience. If you’re looking for an easier way to create a personalized welcome book that showcases your local area, check out It’s a fantastic resource that can help you streamline the process and enhance your guest experience. Happy hosting!

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